Release 1 - Aug 15, 2014


Observations List - Experimental Evidence


We distinguish between different types of ageing relevance evidence. Experimental studies on ageing factors result in observations with experimental ageing relevance evidence (1). According to our definition of ageing factors a comparison of two situations, with and without the action of the ageing factor, is required. Almost all data in AgeFactDB is of this type. There are however also a few lifespan data for populations or species included that are certainly relevant to ageing with a slightly different meaning of the term ageing relevance, however. But in this case there is no intervention study and therefore these data cannot be assigned to an ageing factor (2). Furthermore, there are experimental studies where no significant effect of an assumed ageing factor was found (3). And finally there are genes included that are homologous to known ageing-relevant genes for which there is no experimental evidence. They are considered as putative ageing-relevant genes with computational evidence (4).
Order of importance:

  1. yes (Experimental Analysis)
  2. yes, but no ageing factor assigned (Experimental Analysis)
  3. no (Experimental Analysis)
  4. putative (Computational Analysis)
The color indicating the ageing relevance type of an observation may differ from the corresponding color for the ageing factor related to this observation. The reason is that for ageing factors associated with more than one observation, the most important observation color is chosen as ageing factor color. This is always the color with the lowest number in the order given above.

Ageing phenotype observations are considered as experimental analysis. They confirm or reject the ageing relevance for particular ageing factor(s). For genes that are homologous to known ageing-relevant genes there is thus far no experimental evidence. They are considered as candidate genes.
Due to the different data structures of ageing phenotype observation data integrated from other databases we subdivide these observations into type 1 and 2. Observations of type 1 contain the phenotype data mostly unseparated within a single description. Observations of type 2 contain lifespan data in a more structured form (e.g.: separated into lifespan effect, lifespan change, lifespan value). Currently there might be an overlap between the observations of type 1 and 2 from the same source, namely GenAge. But we are working on a reduction of this overlap.

Ageing Relevance:
101 ... 200 [previous icon] [next icon]
# Observation Stable ID Observation Type Species Gene Compound Other Ageing Factor Description Source Additional Source
101 OB_000101 ageing phenotype observation—data type 2 Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Gene Symbol Species NCBI Gene ID Allele Type Allele Name Reference Allele Type Allele Change
CIT2 Saccharomyces cerevisiae 850361 deletion / null - unknown unknown
Deletion of CIT2 has no effect on life-span. Other phenotypes: Overexpression of CIT2 has no effect on life-span [[PubMed icon] 10224252]. CIT2 is not required for the strain specific life-span extension in petite cells. CIT2 is transcribed up to 30-fold higher in petite cells relative to grande cells [[PubMed icon] 1986232]. [Lifespan Observations Database icon]Lifespan Observations Database (ID: 110) [PubMed icon] 10224252
102 OB_000102 ageing phenotype observation—data type 2 Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Gene Symbol Species NCBI Gene ID Allele Type Allele Name Reference Allele Type Allele Change
CYT1 Saccharomyces cerevisiae 854231 deletion / null - unknown unknown
Other Ageing Factor Name Additional Information
rho0 Absence of mitochondrial DNA.
PSY316AUT rho0 cells also deleted for CYT1 are short-lived, but still have their life span extended by dietary restriction. These data demonstrate that mitochondrial respiration is not required for life span extension from dietary restriction in the PSY316AUT strain background. [Lifespan Observations Database icon]Lifespan Observations Database (ID: 1110) [PubMed icon] 16311627
103 OB_000103 ageing phenotype observation—data type 2 Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Gene Symbol Species NCBI Gene ID Allele Type Allele Name Reference Allele Type Allele Change
CYT1 Saccharomyces cerevisiae 854231 deletion / null - unknown unknown
Other Ageing Factor Name Additional Information
Dietary restriction 0.05% glucose
rho0 Absence of mitochondrial DNA.
PSY316AUT rho0 cells also deleted for CYT1 are short-lived, but still have their life span extended by dietary restriction. These data demonstrate that mitochondrial respiration is not required for life span extension from dietary restriction in the PSY316AUT strain background. [Lifespan Observations Database icon]Lifespan Observations Database (ID: 1111) [PubMed icon] 16311627
104 OB_000104 ageing phenotype observation—data type 2 Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Gene Symbol Species NCBI Gene ID Allele Type Allele Name Reference Allele Type Allele Change
CYT1 Saccharomyces cerevisiae 854231 deletion / null - unknown unknown
Other Ageing Factor Name Additional Information
Dietary restriction 0.5% glucose
Dietary restriction at either 0.5% or 0.05% glucose increases the replicative life span of CYT1 deletion mutants in the PSY316AUT strain background, demonstrating that mitochondrial respiration is not required for life span extension from dietary restriction. [Lifespan Observations Database icon]Lifespan Observations Database (ID: 1112) [PubMed icon] 16311627
105 OB_000105 ageing phenotype observation—data type 2 Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Gene Symbol Species NCBI Gene ID Allele Type Allele Name Reference Allele Type Allele Change
CYT1 Saccharomyces cerevisiae 854231 deletion / null - unknown unknown
Other Ageing Factor Name Additional Information
Dietary restriction 0.05% glucose
Dietary restriction at either 0.5% or 0.05% glucose increases the replicative life span of CYT1 deletion mutants in the PSY316AUT strain background, demonstrating that mitochondrial respiration is not required for life span extension from dietary restriction. [Lifespan Observations Database icon]Lifespan Observations Database (ID: 1113) [PubMed icon] 16311627
106 OB_000106 ageing phenotype observation—data type 2 Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Gene Symbol Species NCBI Gene ID Allele Type Allele Name Reference Allele Type Allele Change
SIR2 Saccharomyces cerevisiae 851520 deletion / null - unknown unknown
Compound Name Quantity Quantity Unit
Nicotinamide 5 millimolar
Addition of 5 mM nicotinamide shortens replicative life span in the BY4742 strain background to the same extent as deletion of SIR2. The combination of SIR2 deletion with 5 mM nicotinamide does not further shorten life span. This indicates that 5 mM nicotinamide is likely reducing life span by inhibition of SIR2. [Lifespan Observations Database icon]Lifespan Observations Database (ID: 1116) [PubMed icon] 16311627
107 OB_000107 ageing phenotype observation—data type 2 Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Gene Symbol Species NCBI Gene ID Allele Type Allele Name Reference Allele Type Allele Change
SIR2 Saccharomyces cerevisiae 851520 deletion / null - unknown unknown
Addition of 5 mM nicotinamide shortens replicative life span in the BY4742 strain background to the same extent as deletion of SIR2. The combination of SIR2 deletion with 5 mM nicotinamide does not further shorten life span. This indicates that 5 mM nicotinamide is likely reducing life span by inhibition of SIR2. [Lifespan Observations Database icon]Lifespan Observations Database (ID: 1118) [PubMed icon] 16311627
108 OB_000108 ageing phenotype observation—data type 2 Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Gene Symbol Species NCBI Gene ID Allele Type Allele Name Reference Allele Type Allele Change
FOB1 Saccharomyces cerevisiae 851688 deletion / null - unknown unknown
SIR2 Saccharomyces cerevisiae 851520 deletion / null - unknown unknown
Compound Name Quantity Quantity Unit
Nicotinamide 5 millimolar
Other Ageing Factor Name Additional Information
Dietary restriction 0.05% glucose
Addition of 5 mM nicotinamide has no effect on replicative life span in BY4742 sir2 fob1 double mutant cells. Dietary restriction is still able to increase life span of sir2 fob1 double mutant cells treated with 5 mM nicotinamide. These data demonstrate that SIR2 and other nicotinamide-sensitive sirtuins are not required for life span extension from dietary restriction in the BY4742 strain background. [Lifespan Observations Database icon]Lifespan Observations Database (ID: 1119) [PubMed icon] 16311627
109 OB_000109 ageing phenotype observation—data type 2 Mus musculus
Gene Symbol Species NCBI Gene ID Allele Type Allele Name Reference Allele Type Allele Change
Ercc2 Mus musculus 13871 non-null recessive - unknown unknown
Homozygous mutation of XPD results in an extreme shortening of life-span (mean life-span = 7 months) relative to wild type (mean life-span > 24 months). Other phenotypes: The shortened life span of the mutant mouse is accompanied by symptoms of premature aging including including osteoporosis, early graying, cachexia, and infertility [[PubMed icon] 11950998]. Mouse model for the brittle hair disorder trichothiodystrophy (TTD). Phenotypes include brittle hair, UV sensitivity, and developmental defects [[PubMed icon] 9651581]. [Lifespan Observations Database icon]Lifespan Observations Database (ID: 111) [PubMed icon] 11950998
110 OB_000110 ageing phenotype observation—data type 2 Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Gene Symbol Species NCBI Gene ID Allele Type Allele Name Reference Allele Type Allele Change
FOB1 Saccharomyces cerevisiae 851688 deletion / null - unknown unknown
SIR2 Saccharomyces cerevisiae 851520 deletion / null - unknown unknown
Other Ageing Factor Name Additional Information
Dietary restriction 0.05% glucose
Addition of 5 mM nicotinamide has no effect on replicative life span in BY4742 sir2 fob1 double mutant cells. Dietary restriction is still able to increase life span of sir2 fob1 double mutant cells treated with 5 mM nicotinamide. These data demonstrate that SIR2 and other nicotinamide-sensitive sirtuins are not required for life span extension from dietary restriction in the BY4742 strain background. [Lifespan Observations Database icon]Lifespan Observations Database (ID: 1120) [PubMed icon] 16311627
111 OB_000111 ageing phenotype observation—data type 2 Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Gene Symbol Species NCBI Gene ID Allele Type Allele Name Reference Allele Type Allele Change
FOB1 Saccharomyces cerevisiae 851688 deletion / null - unknown unknown
SIR2 Saccharomyces cerevisiae 851520 deletion / null - unknown unknown
Compound Name Quantity Quantity Unit
Nicotinamide 5 millimolar
Addition of 5 mM nicotinamide has no effect on replicative life span in BY4742 sir2 fob1 double mutant cells. Dietary restriction is still able to increase life span of sir2 fob1 double mutant cells treated with 5 mM nicotinamide. These data demonstrate that SIR2 and other nicotinamide-sensitive sirtuins are not required for life span extension from dietary restriction in the BY4742 strain background. [Lifespan Observations Database icon]Lifespan Observations Database (ID: 1121) [PubMed icon] 16311627
112 OB_000112 ageing phenotype observation—data type 2 Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Gene Symbol Species NCBI Gene ID Allele Type Allele Name Reference Allele Type Allele Change
FOB1 Saccharomyces cerevisiae 851688 deletion / null - unknown unknown
SIR2 Saccharomyces cerevisiae 851520 deletion / null - unknown unknown
Addition of 5 mM nicotinamide has no effect on replicative life span in BY4742 sir2 fob1 double mutant cells. Dietary restriction is still able to increase life span of sir2 fob1 double mutant cells treated with 5 mM nicotinamide. These data demonstrate that SIR2 and other nicotinamide-sensitive sirtuins are not required for life span extension from dietary restriction in the BY4742 strain background. [Lifespan Observations Database icon]Lifespan Observations Database (ID: 1122) [PubMed icon] 16311627
113 OB_000113 ageing phenotype observation—data type 2 Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Gene Symbol Species NCBI Gene ID Allele Type Allele Name Reference Allele Type Allele Change
FOB1 Saccharomyces cerevisiae 851688 deletion / null - unknown unknown
HST1 Saccharomyces cerevisiae 854086 deletion / null - unknown unknown
HST2 Saccharomyces cerevisiae 856092 deletion / null - unknown unknown
SIR2 Saccharomyces cerevisiae 851520 deletion / null - unknown unknown
Dietary restriction at 0.5%, 0.05%, or 0.005% glucose significantly increases the replicative life span of sir2 fob1 hst1 hst2 quadruple mutant cells in the BY4742 strain background. These data demonstrate that SIR2, HST1, and HST2 are dispensable, both individually and in combination, for life span extension from dietary restriction. [Lifespan Observations Database icon]Lifespan Observations Database (ID: 1123) [PubMed icon] 16741098
114 OB_000114 ageing phenotype observation—data type 2 Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Gene Symbol Species NCBI Gene ID Allele Type Allele Name Reference Allele Type Allele Change
FOB1 Saccharomyces cerevisiae 851688 deletion / null - unknown unknown
HST1 Saccharomyces cerevisiae 854086 deletion / null - unknown unknown
HST2 Saccharomyces cerevisiae 856092 deletion / null - unknown unknown
SIR2 Saccharomyces cerevisiae 851520 deletion / null - unknown unknown
Other Ageing Factor Name Additional Information
Dietary restriction 0.5% glucose
Dietary restriction at 0.5%, 0.05%, or 0.005% glucose significantly increases the replicative life span of sir2 fob1 hst1 hst2 quadruple mutant cells in the BY4742 strain background. These data demonstrate that SIR2, HST1, and HST2 are dispensable, both individually and in combination, for life span extension from dietary restriction. [Lifespan Observations Database icon]Lifespan Observations Database (ID: 1124) [PubMed icon] 16741098
115 OB_000115 ageing phenotype observation—data type 2 Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Gene Symbol Species NCBI Gene ID Allele Type Allele Name Reference Allele Type Allele Change
FOB1 Saccharomyces cerevisiae 851688 deletion / null - unknown unknown
HST1 Saccharomyces cerevisiae 854086 deletion / null - unknown unknown
HST2 Saccharomyces cerevisiae 856092 deletion / null - unknown unknown
SIR2 Saccharomyces cerevisiae 851520 deletion / null - unknown unknown
Other Ageing Factor Name Additional Information
Dietary restriction 0.05% glucose
Dietary restriction at 0.5%, 0.05%, or 0.005% glucose significantly increases the replicative life span of sir2 fob1 hst1 hst2 quadruple mutant cells in the BY4742 strain background. These data demonstrate that SIR2, HST1, and HST2 are dispensable, both individually and in combination, for life span extension from dietary restriction. [Lifespan Observations Database icon]Lifespan Observations Database (ID: 1125) [PubMed icon] 16741098
116 OB_000116 ageing phenotype observation—data type 2 Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Gene Symbol Species NCBI Gene ID Allele Type Allele Name Reference Allele Type Allele Change
FOB1 Saccharomyces cerevisiae 851688 deletion / null - unknown unknown
HST1 Saccharomyces cerevisiae 854086 deletion / null - unknown unknown
HST2 Saccharomyces cerevisiae 856092 deletion / null - unknown unknown
SIR2 Saccharomyces cerevisiae 851520 deletion / null - unknown unknown
Other Ageing Factor Name Additional Information
Dietary restriction 0.005% glucose
Dietary restriction at 0.5%, 0.05%, or 0.005% glucose significantly increases the replicative life span of sir2 fob1 hst1 hst2 quadruple mutant cells in the BY4742 strain background. These data demonstrate that SIR2, HST1, and HST2 are dispensable, both individually and in combination, for life span extension from dietary restriction. [Lifespan Observations Database icon]Lifespan Observations Database (ID: 1126) [PubMed icon] 16741098
117 OB_000117 ageing phenotype observation—data type 2 Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Gene Symbol Species NCBI Gene ID Allele Type Allele Name Reference Allele Type Allele Change
FOB1 Saccharomyces cerevisiae 851688 deletion / null - unknown unknown
HST1 Saccharomyces cerevisiae 854086 deletion / null - unknown unknown
HST2 Saccharomyces cerevisiae 856092 deletion / null - unknown unknown
HXK2 Saccharomyces cerevisiae 852639 deletion / null - unknown unknown
SIR2 Saccharomyces cerevisiae 851520 deletion / null - unknown unknown
Deletion of HXK2 significantly increases the replicative life span of sir2 fob1 hst1 hst2 quadruple mutant cells in the BY4742 strain background. These data demonstrate that SIR2, HST1, and HST2 are dispensable, both individually and in combination, for life span extension from deletion of HXK2. Deletion of HXK2 is proposed as a genetic mimic of dietary restriction [[PubMed icon] 11000115]. [Lifespan Observations Database icon]Lifespan Observations Database (ID: 1127) [PubMed icon] 16741098
118 OB_000118 ageing phenotype observation—data type 2 Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Gene Symbol Species NCBI Gene ID Allele Type Allele Name Reference Allele Type Allele Change
FOB1 Saccharomyces cerevisiae 851688 deletion / null - unknown unknown
HST1 Saccharomyces cerevisiae 854086 deletion / null - unknown unknown
HST2 Saccharomyces cerevisiae 856092 deletion / null - unknown unknown
SIR2 Saccharomyces cerevisiae 851520 deletion / null - unknown unknown
Deletion of HXK2 significantly increases the replicative life span of sir2 fob1 hst1 hst2 quadruple mutant cells in the BY4742 strain background. These data demonstrate that SIR2, HST1, and HST2 are dispensable, both individually and in combination, for life span extension from deletion of HXK2. Deletion of HXK2 is proposed as a genetic mimic of dietary restriction [[PubMed icon] 11000115]. [Lifespan Observations Database icon]Lifespan Observations Database (ID: 1128) [PubMed icon] 16741098
119 OB_000119 ageing phenotype observation—data type 2 Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Gene Symbol Species NCBI Gene ID Allele Type Allele Name Reference Allele Type Allele Change
HXK2 Saccharomyces cerevisiae 852639 deletion / null - unknown unknown
Deletion of HXK2 significantly increases the replicative life span of sir2 fob1 hst1 hst2 quadruple mutant cells in the BY4742 strain background. These data demonstrate that SIR2, HST1, and HST2 are dispensable, both individually and in combination, for life span extension from deletion of HXK2. Deletion of HXK2 is proposed as a genetic mimic of dietary restriction [[PubMed icon] 11000115]. [Lifespan Observations Database icon]Lifespan Observations Database (ID: 1129) [PubMed icon] 16741098
120 OB_000120 ageing phenotype observation—data type 2 Mus musculus
Gene Symbol Species NCBI Gene ID Allele Type Allele Name Reference Allele Type Allele Change
GHR Mus musculus deletion / null - unknown unknown
Mice homozygous for disruption of GHR/BP have a life-span that is 40-50% longer than wild type or heterozygous mice. Other phenotypes: The GHR/BP knockout mouse is a model for the rare human disease Laron syndrome [[PubMed icon] 9371826]. Serum levels of GH are elevated in mutant mice [[PubMed icon] 9371826]. Mutant mice are smaller than wild type mice. IGF-I and IGFBP-3 levels are also reduc [Lifespan Observations Database icon]Lifespan Observations Database (ID: 112) [PubMed icon] 10875265
121 OB_000121 ageing phenotype observation—data type 2 Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Gene Symbol Species NCBI Gene ID Allele Type Allele Name Reference Allele Type Allele Change
HST1 Saccharomyces cerevisiae 854086 deletion / null - unknown unknown
Deletion of HST1, HST2, or HST4 had no effect on replicative life span of BY4742 mother cells. Deletion of either SIR2 or HST3 shortened life span. [Lifespan Observations Database icon]Lifespan Observations Database (ID: 1133) [PubMed icon] 17129213
122 OB_000122 ageing phenotype observation—data type 2 Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Gene Symbol Species NCBI Gene ID Allele Type Allele Name Reference Allele Type Allele Change
HST2 Saccharomyces cerevisiae 856092 deletion / null - unknown unknown
Deletion of HST1, HST2, or HST4 had no effect on replicative life span of BY4742 mother cells. Deletion of either SIR2 or HST3 shortened life span. [Lifespan Observations Database icon]Lifespan Observations Database (ID: 1134) [PubMed icon] 17129213
123 OB_000123 ageing phenotype observation—data type 2 Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Gene Symbol Species NCBI Gene ID Allele Type Allele Name Reference Allele Type Allele Change
hst3 Saccharomyces cerevisiae 854190 deletion / null - unknown unknown
Deletion of HST1, HST2, or HST4 had no effect on replicative life span of BY4742 mother cells. Deletion of either SIR2 or HST3 shortened life span. [Lifespan Observations Database icon]Lifespan Observations Database (ID: 1135) [PubMed icon] 17129213
124 OB_000124 ageing phenotype observation—data type 2 Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Gene Symbol Species NCBI Gene ID Allele Type Allele Name Reference Allele Type Allele Change
hst4 Saccharomyces cerevisiae 851772 deletion / null - unknown unknown
Deletion of HST1, HST2, or HST4 had no effect on replicative life span of BY4742 mother cells. Deletion of either SIR2 or HST3 shortened life span. [Lifespan Observations Database icon]Lifespan Observations Database (ID: 1136) [PubMed icon] 17129213
125 OB_000125 ageing phenotype observation—data type 2 Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Gene Symbol Species NCBI Gene ID Allele Type Allele Name Reference Allele Type Allele Change
SIR2 Saccharomyces cerevisiae 851520 deletion / null - unknown unknown
Deletion of HST1, HST2, or HST4 had no effect on replicative life span of BY4742 mother cells. Deletion of either SIR2 or HST3 shortened life span. [Lifespan Observations Database icon]Lifespan Observations Database (ID: 1137) [PubMed icon] 17129213
126 OB_000126 ageing phenotype observation—data type 2 Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Gene Symbol Species NCBI Gene ID Allele Type Allele Name Reference Allele Type Allele Change
HST2 Saccharomyces cerevisiae 856092 deletion / null - unknown unknown
Deletion of HST2 had no effect on replicative life span of W303AR5 mother cells. [Lifespan Observations Database icon]Lifespan Observations Database (ID: 1138) [PubMed icon] 17129213
127 OB_000127 ageing phenotype observation—data type 2 Homo sapiens
Gene Symbol Species NCBI Gene ID Allele Type Allele Name Reference Allele Type Allele Change
Mot-2 Homo sapiens over-expression - unknown unknown
Transfection of normal human fiboblasts with human or murine Mot-2 overexpression vectors led to an increase in the number of population doublings the cells could sustain before senescing (percent increase varying from 32% to 60%, depending on the exact construct used). Other phenotypes: Mot-2 is an hsp70 family member found to be differentially distributed and/or translated in normal vs. transformed cells [[PubMed icon] 8454632]. Mot-2 overexpressing cells exhibited a reduction in p53 transcriptional activation, as measured by expression from vectors containing either luciferase or beta-galactosidase driven by p53 binding sites [[PubMed icon] 10838077]. Furthermore, the transfected cells retained a youthful morphology longer than the control cells, and there was a delay in appearance of senescence associated beta-galactosidase activity [[PubMed icon] 10838077]. [Lifespan Observations Database icon]Lifespan Observations Database (ID: 113) [PubMed icon] 8454632
128 OB_000128 ageing phenotype observation—data type 2 Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Gene Symbol Species NCBI Gene ID Allele Type Allele Name Reference Allele Type Allele Change
SIR2 Saccharomyces cerevisiae 851520 deletion / null - unknown unknown
Data from Table 1: Replicative lifespans of different sirtuin mutants in response to calorie restriction or nicotinamide. [Lifespan Observations Database icon]Lifespan Observations Database (ID: 1142) [PubMed icon] 17129213
129 OB_000129 ageing phenotype observation—data type 2 Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Gene Symbol Species NCBI Gene ID Allele Type Allele Name Reference Allele Type Allele Change
SIR2 Saccharomyces cerevisiae 851520 deletion / null - unknown unknown
Compound Name Quantity Quantity Unit
Nicotinamide 5 millimolar
Data from Table 1: Replicative lifespans of different sirtuin mutants in response to calorie restriction or nicotinamide. [Lifespan Observations Database icon]Lifespan Observations Database (ID: 1143) [PubMed icon] 17129213
130 OB_000130 ageing phenotype observation—data type 2 Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Gene Symbol Species NCBI Gene ID Allele Type Allele Name Reference Allele Type Allele Change
HST1 Saccharomyces cerevisiae 854086 deletion / null - unknown unknown
Data from Table 1: Replicative lifespans of different sirtuin mutants in response to calorie restriction or nicotinamide. [Lifespan Observations Database icon]Lifespan Observations Database (ID: 1144) [PubMed icon] 17129213
131 OB_000131 ageing phenotype observation—data type 2 Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Gene Symbol Species NCBI Gene ID Allele Type Allele Name Reference Allele Type Allele Change
HST2 Saccharomyces cerevisiae 856092 deletion / null - unknown unknown
Data from Table 1: Replicative lifespans of different sirtuin mutants in response to calorie restriction or nicotinamide. [Lifespan Observations Database icon]Lifespan Observations Database (ID: 1145) [PubMed icon] 17129213
132 OB_000132 ageing phenotype observation—data type 2 Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Gene Symbol Species NCBI Gene ID Allele Type Allele Name Reference Allele Type Allele Change
hst3 Saccharomyces cerevisiae 854190 deletion / null - unknown unknown
Data from Table 1: Replicative lifespans of different sirtuin mutants in response to calorie restriction or nicotinamide. [Lifespan Observations Database icon]Lifespan Observations Database (ID: 1146) [PubMed icon] 17129213
133 OB_000133 ageing phenotype observation—data type 2 Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Gene Symbol Species NCBI Gene ID Allele Type Allele Name Reference Allele Type Allele Change
hst3 Saccharomyces cerevisiae 854190 deletion / null - unknown unknown
Compound Name Quantity Quantity Unit
Nicotinamide 5 millimolar
Data from Table 1: Replicative lifespans of different sirtuin mutants in response to calorie restriction or nicotinamide. [Lifespan Observations Database icon]Lifespan Observations Database (ID: 1147) [PubMed icon] 17129213
134 OB_000134 ageing phenotype observation—data type 2 Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Gene Symbol Species NCBI Gene ID Allele Type Allele Name Reference Allele Type Allele Change
hst3 Saccharomyces cerevisiae 854190 deletion / null - unknown unknown
Compound Name Quantity Quantity Unit
Nicotinamide 25 millimolar
Data from Table 1: Replicative lifespans of different sirtuin mutants in response to calorie restriction or nicotinamide. [Lifespan Observations Database icon]Lifespan Observations Database (ID: 1148) [PubMed icon] 17129213
135 OB_000135 ageing phenotype observation—data type 2 Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Gene Symbol Species NCBI Gene ID Allele Type Allele Name Reference Allele Type Allele Change
hst4 Saccharomyces cerevisiae 851772 deletion / null - unknown unknown
Compound Name Quantity Quantity Unit
Nicotinamide 25 millimolar
Data from Table 1: Replicative lifespans of different sirtuin mutants in response to calorie restriction or nicotinamide. [Lifespan Observations Database icon]Lifespan Observations Database (ID: 1149) [PubMed icon] 17129213
136 OB_000136 ageing phenotype observation—data type 2 Caenorhabditis elegans
Gene Symbol Species NCBI Gene ID Allele Type Allele Name Reference Allele Type Allele Change
hsp-6 Caenorhabditis elegans 178873 over-expression - unknown unknown
Overexpression of hsp70F from a muscle-specific promoter increased life-span (mean increase: 43%, maximum increase: 45%) relative to animals expressing GFP from the same promoter. Other phenotypes: C. elegans hsp70F is the homolog of mammalian mortalin (mot-2/mthsp70/Grp75) [[PubMed icon] 2766926], which has been shown to be capable of increasing the proliferative potential of normal fibroblasts when overexpressed [[PubMed icon] 10838077]. The hsp70F transgene was integrated into the genome, not an extrachromosomal array. It was confirmed immunohistochemically to be expressed predominantly in muscle [[PubMed icon] 11959102]. [Lifespan Observations Database icon]Lifespan Observations Database (ID: 114) [PubMed icon] 11959102
137 OB_000137 ageing phenotype observation—data type 2 Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Gene Symbol Species NCBI Gene ID Allele Type Allele Name Reference Allele Type Allele Change
hst4 Saccharomyces cerevisiae 851772 deletion / null - unknown unknown
Compound Name Quantity Quantity Unit
Nicotinamide 5 millimolar
Data from Table 1: Replicative lifespans of different sirtuin mutants in response to calorie restriction or nicotinamide. [Lifespan Observations Database icon]Lifespan Observations Database (ID: 1150) [PubMed icon] 17129213
138 OB_000138 ageing phenotype observation—data type 2 Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Gene Symbol Species NCBI Gene ID Allele Type Allele Name Reference Allele Type Allele Change
hst4 Saccharomyces cerevisiae 851772 deletion / null - unknown unknown
Data from Table 1: Replicative lifespans of different sirtuin mutants in response to calorie restriction or nicotinamide. [Lifespan Observations Database icon]Lifespan Observations Database (ID: 1151) [PubMed icon] 17129213
139 OB_000139 ageing phenotype observation—data type 2 Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Gene Symbol Species NCBI Gene ID Allele Type Allele Name Reference Allele Type Allele Change
hst3 Saccharomyces cerevisiae 854190 deletion / null - unknown unknown
hst4 Saccharomyces cerevisiae 851772 deletion / null - unknown unknown
Data from Table 1: Replicative lifespans of different sirtuin mutants in response to calorie restriction or nicotinamide. [Lifespan Observations Database icon]Lifespan Observations Database (ID: 1152) [PubMed icon] 17129213
140 OB_000140 ageing phenotype observation—data type 2 Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Gene Symbol Species NCBI Gene ID Allele Type Allele Name Reference Allele Type Allele Change
hst3 Saccharomyces cerevisiae 854190 deletion / null - unknown unknown
hst4 Saccharomyces cerevisiae 851772 deletion / null - unknown unknown
Compound Name Quantity Quantity Unit
Nicotinamide 5 millimolar
Data from Table 1: Replicative lifespans of different sirtuin mutants in response to calorie restriction or nicotinamide. [Lifespan Observations Database icon]Lifespan Observations Database (ID: 1153) [PubMed icon] 17129213
141 OB_000141 ageing phenotype observation—data type 2 Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Gene Symbol Species NCBI Gene ID Allele Type Allele Name Reference Allele Type Allele Change
hst3 Saccharomyces cerevisiae 854190 deletion / null - unknown unknown
hst4 Saccharomyces cerevisiae 851772 deletion / null - unknown unknown
Compound Name Quantity Quantity Unit
Nicotinamide 25 millimolar
Data from Table 1: Replicative lifespans of different sirtuin mutants in response to calorie restriction or nicotinamide. [Lifespan Observations Database icon]Lifespan Observations Database (ID: 1154) [PubMed icon] 17129213
142 OB_000142 ageing phenotype observation—data type 2 Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Gene Symbol Species NCBI Gene ID Allele Type Allele Name Reference Allele Type Allele Change
FOB1 Saccharomyces cerevisiae 851688 deletion / null - unknown unknown
SIR2 Saccharomyces cerevisiae 851520 deletion / null - unknown unknown
Data from Table 1: Replicative lifespans of different sirtuin mutants in response to calorie restriction or nicotinamide. [Lifespan Observations Database icon]Lifespan Observations Database (ID: 1155) [PubMed icon] 17129213
143 OB_000143 ageing phenotype observation—data type 2 Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Gene Symbol Species NCBI Gene ID Allele Type Allele Name Reference Allele Type Allele Change
FOB1 Saccharomyces cerevisiae 851688 deletion / null - unknown unknown
SIR2 Saccharomyces cerevisiae 851520 deletion / null - unknown unknown
Other Ageing Factor Name Additional Information
Dietary restriction 0.5% glucose
Data from Table 1: Replicative lifespans of different sirtuin mutants in response to calorie restriction or nicotinamide. [Lifespan Observations Database icon]Lifespan Observations Database (ID: 1156) [PubMed icon] 17129213
144 OB_000144 ageing phenotype observation—data type 2 Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Gene Symbol Species NCBI Gene ID Allele Type Allele Name Reference Allele Type Allele Change
FOB1 Saccharomyces cerevisiae 851688 deletion / null - unknown unknown
SIR2 Saccharomyces cerevisiae 851520 deletion / null - unknown unknown
Other Ageing Factor Name Additional Information
Dietary restriction 0.05% glucose
Data from Table 1: Replicative lifespans of different sirtuin mutants in response to calorie restriction or nicotinamide. [Lifespan Observations Database icon]Lifespan Observations Database (ID: 1157) [PubMed icon] 17129213
145 OB_000145 ageing phenotype observation—data type 2 Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Gene Symbol Species NCBI Gene ID Allele Type Allele Name Reference Allele Type Allele Change
FOB1 Saccharomyces cerevisiae 851688 deletion / null - unknown unknown
SIR2 Saccharomyces cerevisiae 851520 deletion / null - unknown unknown
Other Ageing Factor Name Additional Information
Dietary restriction 0.005% glucose
Data from Table 1: Replicative lifespans of different sirtuin mutants in response to calorie restriction or nicotinamide. [Lifespan Observations Database icon]Lifespan Observations Database (ID: 1158) [PubMed icon] 17129213
146 OB_000146 ageing phenotype observation—data type 2 Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Gene Symbol Species NCBI Gene ID Allele Type Allele Name Reference Allele Type Allele Change
FOB1 Saccharomyces cerevisiae 851688 deletion / null - unknown unknown
SIR2 Saccharomyces cerevisiae 851520 deletion / null - unknown unknown
Compound Name Quantity Quantity Unit
Nicotinamide 5 millimolar
Data from Table 1: Replicative lifespans of different sirtuin mutants in response to calorie restriction or nicotinamide. [Lifespan Observations Database icon]Lifespan Observations Database (ID: 1159) [PubMed icon] 17129213
147 OB_000147 ageing phenotype observation—data type 2 Caenorhabditis elegans
Gene Symbol Species NCBI Gene ID Allele Type Allele Name Reference Allele Type Allele Change
clk-1 Caenorhabditis elegans 175729 non-null recessive - unknown unknown
daf-2 Caenorhabditis elegans 175410 non-null recessive - unknown unknown
Mutation of both clk-1 and daf-2 results in a nearly 5-fold (500%) increase in life-span. Other phenotypes: Overexpression of clk-1 increases mitochondrial activity and shortens life-span [[PubMed icon] 10202142]. Loss of function mutation increases adult life-span by 30% [[PubMed icon] 8638122]. Mutations in clk-1 are highly pleiotropic resulting in an average lengthening of embryonic development, post-embryonic development, and adult rhythmic behaviors such as defecation, swimming, and pharyngeal pumping [[PubMed icon] 7768437]. [Lifespan Observations Database icon]Lifespan Observations Database (ID: 115) [PubMed icon] 8638122
148 OB_000148 ageing phenotype observation—data type 2 Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Gene Symbol Species NCBI Gene ID Allele Type Allele Name Reference Allele Type Allele Change
FOB1 Saccharomyces cerevisiae 851688 deletion / null - unknown unknown
SIR2 Saccharomyces cerevisiae 851520 deletion / null - unknown unknown
Compound Name Quantity Quantity Unit
Nicotinamide 5 millimolar
Other Ageing Factor Name Additional Information
Dietary restriction 0.05% glucose
Data from Table 1: Replicative lifespans of different sirtuin mutants in response to calorie restriction or nicotinamide. [Lifespan Observations Database icon]Lifespan Observations Database (ID: 1160) [PubMed icon] 17129213
149 OB_000149 ageing phenotype observation—data type 2 Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Gene Symbol Species NCBI Gene ID Allele Type Allele Name Reference Allele Type Allele Change
FOB1 Saccharomyces cerevisiae 851688 deletion / null - unknown unknown
HST1 Saccharomyces cerevisiae 854086 deletion / null - unknown unknown
SIR2 Saccharomyces cerevisiae 851520 deletion / null - unknown unknown
Data from Table 1: Replicative lifespans of different sirtuin mutants in response to calorie restriction or nicotinamide. [Lifespan Observations Database icon]Lifespan Observations Database (ID: 1161) [PubMed icon] 17129213
150 OB_000150 ageing phenotype observation—data type 2 Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Gene Symbol Species NCBI Gene ID Allele Type Allele Name Reference Allele Type Allele Change
FOB1 Saccharomyces cerevisiae 851688 deletion / null - unknown unknown
HST1 Saccharomyces cerevisiae 854086 deletion / null - unknown unknown
SIR2 Saccharomyces cerevisiae 851520 deletion / null - unknown unknown
Other Ageing Factor Name Additional Information
Dietary restriction 0.05% glucose
Data from Table 1: Replicative lifespans of different sirtuin mutants in response to calorie restriction or nicotinamide. [Lifespan Observations Database icon]Lifespan Observations Database (ID: 1162) [PubMed icon] 17129213
151 OB_000151 ageing phenotype observation—data type 2 Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Gene Symbol Species NCBI Gene ID Allele Type Allele Name Reference Allele Type Allele Change
FOB1 Saccharomyces cerevisiae 851688 deletion / null - unknown unknown
HST2 Saccharomyces cerevisiae 856092 deletion / null - unknown unknown
SIR2 Saccharomyces cerevisiae 851520 deletion / null - unknown unknown
Other Ageing Factor Name Additional Information
Dietary restriction 0.05% glucose
Data from Table 1: Replicative lifespans of different sirtuin mutants in response to calorie restriction or nicotinamide. [Lifespan Observations Database icon]Lifespan Observations Database (ID: 1163) [PubMed icon] 17129213
152 OB_000152 ageing phenotype observation—data type 2 Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Gene Symbol Species NCBI Gene ID Allele Type Allele Name Reference Allele Type Allele Change
FOB1 Saccharomyces cerevisiae 851688 deletion / null - unknown unknown
HST2 Saccharomyces cerevisiae 856092 deletion / null - unknown unknown
SIR2 Saccharomyces cerevisiae 851520 deletion / null - unknown unknown
Data from Table 1: Replicative lifespans of different sirtuin mutants in response to calorie restriction or nicotinamide. [Lifespan Observations Database icon]Lifespan Observations Database (ID: 1164) [PubMed icon] 17129213
153 OB_000153 ageing phenotype observation—data type 2 Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Gene Symbol Species NCBI Gene ID Allele Type Allele Name Reference Allele Type Allele Change
FOB1 Saccharomyces cerevisiae 851688 deletion / null - unknown unknown
hst3 Saccharomyces cerevisiae 854190 deletion / null - unknown unknown
SIR2 Saccharomyces cerevisiae 851520 deletion / null - unknown unknown
Data from Table 1: Replicative lifespans of different sirtuin mutants in response to calorie restriction or nicotinamide. [Lifespan Observations Database icon]Lifespan Observations Database (ID: 1165) [PubMed icon] 17129213
154 OB_000154 ageing phenotype observation—data type 2 Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Gene Symbol Species NCBI Gene ID Allele Type Allele Name Reference Allele Type Allele Change
FOB1 Saccharomyces cerevisiae 851688 deletion / null - unknown unknown
hst3 Saccharomyces cerevisiae 854190 deletion / null - unknown unknown
SIR2 Saccharomyces cerevisiae 851520 deletion / null - unknown unknown
Other Ageing Factor Name Additional Information
Dietary restriction 0.05% glucose
Data from Table 1: Replicative lifespans of different sirtuin mutants in response to calorie restriction or nicotinamide. [Lifespan Observations Database icon]Lifespan Observations Database (ID: 1166) [PubMed icon] 17129213
155 OB_000155 ageing phenotype observation—data type 2 Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Gene Symbol Species NCBI Gene ID Allele Type Allele Name Reference Allele Type Allele Change
FOB1 Saccharomyces cerevisiae 851688 deletion / null - unknown unknown
hst4 Saccharomyces cerevisiae 851772 deletion / null - unknown unknown
SIR2 Saccharomyces cerevisiae 851520 deletion / null - unknown unknown
Other Ageing Factor Name Additional Information
Dietary restriction 0.05% glucose
Data from Table 1: Replicative lifespans of different sirtuin mutants in response to calorie restriction or nicotinamide. [Lifespan Observations Database icon]Lifespan Observations Database (ID: 1167) [PubMed icon] 17129213
156 OB_000156 ageing phenotype observation—data type 2 Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Gene Symbol Species NCBI Gene ID Allele Type Allele Name Reference Allele Type Allele Change
FOB1 Saccharomyces cerevisiae 851688 deletion / null - unknown unknown
hst4 Saccharomyces cerevisiae 851772 deletion / null - unknown unknown
SIR2 Saccharomyces cerevisiae 851520 deletion / null - unknown unknown
Data from Table 1: Replicative lifespans of different sirtuin mutants in response to calorie restriction or nicotinamide. [Lifespan Observations Database icon]Lifespan Observations Database (ID: 1168) [PubMed icon] 17129213
157 OB_000157 ageing phenotype observation—data type 2 Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Gene Symbol Species NCBI Gene ID Allele Type Allele Name Reference Allele Type Allele Change
FOB1 Saccharomyces cerevisiae 851688 deletion / null - unknown unknown
HST1 Saccharomyces cerevisiae 854086 deletion / null - unknown unknown
HST2 Saccharomyces cerevisiae 856092 deletion / null - unknown unknown
SIR2 Saccharomyces cerevisiae 851520 deletion / null - unknown unknown
Data from Table 1: Replicative lifespans of different sirtuin mutants in response to calorie restriction or nicotinamide. [Lifespan Observations Database icon]Lifespan Observations Database (ID: 1169) [PubMed icon] 17129213
158 OB_000158 ageing phenotype observation—data type 2 Caenorhabditis elegans
Gene Symbol Species NCBI Gene ID Allele Type Allele Name Reference Allele Type Allele Change
clk-1 Caenorhabditis elegans 175729 non-null recessive - unknown unknown
Loss of function mutation increases adult life-span by 30%. Other phenotypes: Mutation of both clk-1 and daf-2 results in a nearly 5-fold (500%) increase in life-span [[PubMed icon] 8638122]. Overexpression of clk-1 increases mitochondrial activity and shortens life-span [[PubMed icon] 10202142]. Mutations in clk-1 are highly pleiotropic resulting in an average lengthening of embryonic development, post-embryonic development, and adult rhythmic behaviors such as defecation, swimming, and pharyngeal pumping [[PubMed icon] 7768437]. [Lifespan Observations Database icon]Lifespan Observations Database (ID: 116) [PubMed icon] 8638122
159 OB_000159 ageing phenotype observation—data type 2 Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Gene Symbol Species NCBI Gene ID Allele Type Allele Name Reference Allele Type Allele Change
FOB1 Saccharomyces cerevisiae 851688 deletion / null - unknown unknown
HST1 Saccharomyces cerevisiae 854086 deletion / null - unknown unknown
HST2 Saccharomyces cerevisiae 856092 deletion / null - unknown unknown
SIR2 Saccharomyces cerevisiae 851520 deletion / null - unknown unknown
Other Ageing Factor Name Additional Information
Dietary restriction 0.5% glucose
Data from Table 1: Replicative lifespans of different sirtuin mutants in response to calorie restriction or nicotinamide. [Lifespan Observations Database icon]Lifespan Observations Database (ID: 1170) [PubMed icon] 17129213
160 OB_000160 ageing phenotype observation—data type 2 Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Gene Symbol Species NCBI Gene ID Allele Type Allele Name Reference Allele Type Allele Change
FOB1 Saccharomyces cerevisiae 851688 deletion / null - unknown unknown
HST1 Saccharomyces cerevisiae 854086 deletion / null - unknown unknown
HST2 Saccharomyces cerevisiae 856092 deletion / null - unknown unknown
SIR2 Saccharomyces cerevisiae 851520 deletion / null - unknown unknown
Other Ageing Factor Name Additional Information
Dietary restriction 0.05% glucose
Data from Table 1: Replicative lifespans of different sirtuin mutants in response to calorie restriction or nicotinamide. [Lifespan Observations Database icon]Lifespan Observations Database (ID: 1171) [PubMed icon] 17129213
161 OB_000161 ageing phenotype observation—data type 2 Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Gene Symbol Species NCBI Gene ID Allele Type Allele Name Reference Allele Type Allele Change
FOB1 Saccharomyces cerevisiae 851688 deletion / null - unknown unknown
HST1 Saccharomyces cerevisiae 854086 deletion / null - unknown unknown
HST2 Saccharomyces cerevisiae 856092 deletion / null - unknown unknown
SIR2 Saccharomyces cerevisiae 851520 deletion / null - unknown unknown
Other Ageing Factor Name Additional Information
Dietary restriction 0.005% glucose
Data from Table 1: Replicative lifespans of different sirtuin mutants in response to calorie restriction or nicotinamide. [Lifespan Observations Database icon]Lifespan Observations Database (ID: 1172) [PubMed icon] 17129213
162 OB_000162 ageing phenotype observation—data type 2 Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Gene Symbol Species NCBI Gene ID Allele Type Allele Name Reference Allele Type Allele Change
FOB1 Saccharomyces cerevisiae 851688 deletion / null - unknown unknown
HST1 Saccharomyces cerevisiae 854086 deletion / null - unknown unknown
HST2 Saccharomyces cerevisiae 856092 deletion / null - unknown unknown
hst4 Saccharomyces cerevisiae 851772 deletion / null - unknown unknown
SIR2 Saccharomyces cerevisiae 851520 deletion / null - unknown unknown
Data from Table 1: Replicative lifespans of different sirtuin mutants in response to calorie restriction or nicotinamide. [Lifespan Observations Database icon]Lifespan Observations Database (ID: 1173) [PubMed icon] 17129213
163 OB_000163 ageing phenotype observation—data type 2 Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Gene Symbol Species NCBI Gene ID Allele Type Allele Name Reference Allele Type Allele Change
FOB1 Saccharomyces cerevisiae 851688 deletion / null - unknown unknown
HST1 Saccharomyces cerevisiae 854086 deletion / null - unknown unknown
HST2 Saccharomyces cerevisiae 856092 deletion / null - unknown unknown
hst4 Saccharomyces cerevisiae 851772 deletion / null - unknown unknown
SIR2 Saccharomyces cerevisiae 851520 deletion / null - unknown unknown
Other Ageing Factor Name Additional Information
Dietary restriction 0.05% glucose
Data from Table 1: Replicative lifespans of different sirtuin mutants in response to calorie restriction or nicotinamide. [Lifespan Observations Database icon]Lifespan Observations Database (ID: 1174) [PubMed icon] 17129213
164 OB_000164 ageing phenotype observation—data type 2 Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Gene Symbol Species NCBI Gene ID Allele Type Allele Name Reference Allele Type Allele Change
FOB1 Saccharomyces cerevisiae 851688 deletion / null - unknown unknown
HST1 Saccharomyces cerevisiae 854086 deletion / null - unknown unknown
HST2 Saccharomyces cerevisiae 856092 deletion / null - unknown unknown
hst4 Saccharomyces cerevisiae 851772 deletion / null - unknown unknown
SIR2 Saccharomyces cerevisiae 851520 deletion / null - unknown unknown
Compound Name Quantity Quantity Unit
Nicotinamide 5 millimolar
Data from Table 1: Replicative lifespans of different sirtuin mutants in response to calorie restriction or nicotinamide. [Lifespan Observations Database icon]Lifespan Observations Database (ID: 1175) [PubMed icon] 17129213
165 OB_000165 ageing phenotype observation—data type 2 Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Gene Symbol Species NCBI Gene ID Allele Type Allele Name Reference Allele Type Allele Change
FOB1 Saccharomyces cerevisiae 851688 deletion / null - unknown unknown
HST1 Saccharomyces cerevisiae 854086 deletion / null - unknown unknown
HST2 Saccharomyces cerevisiae 856092 deletion / null - unknown unknown
hst4 Saccharomyces cerevisiae 851772 deletion / null - unknown unknown
SIR2 Saccharomyces cerevisiae 851520 deletion / null - unknown unknown
Compound Name Quantity Quantity Unit
Nicotinamide 5 millimolar
Other Ageing Factor Name Additional Information
Dietary restriction 0.05% glucose
Data from Table 1: Replicative lifespans of different sirtuin mutants in response to calorie restriction or nicotinamide. [Lifespan Observations Database icon]Lifespan Observations Database (ID: 1176) [PubMed icon] 17129213
166 OB_000166 ageing phenotype observation—data type 2 Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Gene Symbol Species NCBI Gene ID Allele Type Allele Name Reference Allele Type Allele Change
FOB1 Saccharomyces cerevisiae 851688 deletion / null - unknown unknown
HST1 Saccharomyces cerevisiae 854086 deletion / null - unknown unknown
HST2 Saccharomyces cerevisiae 856092 deletion / null - unknown unknown
hst3 Saccharomyces cerevisiae 854190 deletion / null - unknown unknown
hst4 Saccharomyces cerevisiae 851772 deletion / null - unknown unknown
SIR2 Saccharomyces cerevisiae 851520 deletion / null - unknown unknown
Data from Table 1: Replicative lifespans of different sirtuin mutants in response to calorie restriction or nicotinamide. [Lifespan Observations Database icon]Lifespan Observations Database (ID: 1177) [PubMed icon] 17129213
167 OB_000167 ageing phenotype observation—data type 2 Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Gene Symbol Species NCBI Gene ID Allele Type Allele Name Reference Allele Type Allele Change
FOB1 Saccharomyces cerevisiae 851688 deletion / null - unknown unknown
HST1 Saccharomyces cerevisiae 854086 deletion / null - unknown unknown
HST2 Saccharomyces cerevisiae 856092 deletion / null - unknown unknown
hst3 Saccharomyces cerevisiae 854190 deletion / null - unknown unknown
hst4 Saccharomyces cerevisiae 851772 deletion / null - unknown unknown
SIR2 Saccharomyces cerevisiae 851520 deletion / null - unknown unknown
Other Ageing Factor Name Additional Information
Dietary restriction 0.05% glucose
Data from Table 1: Replicative lifespans of different sirtuin mutants in response to calorie restriction or nicotinamide. [Lifespan Observations Database icon]Lifespan Observations Database (ID: 1178) [PubMed icon] 17129213
168 OB_000168 ageing phenotype observation—data type 2 Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Gene Symbol Species NCBI Gene ID Allele Type Allele Name Reference Allele Type Allele Change
hst4 Saccharomyces cerevisiae 851772 deletion / null - unknown unknown
Data from Table 1: Replicative lifespans of different sirtuin mutants in response to calorie restriction or nicotinamide. [Lifespan Observations Database icon]Lifespan Observations Database (ID: 1179) [PubMed icon] 17129213
169 OB_000169 ageing phenotype observation—data type 2 Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Gene Symbol Species NCBI Gene ID Allele Type Allele Name Reference Allele Type Allele Change
HAP4 Saccharomyces cerevisiae 853751 over-expression - unknown unknown
Overexpression of HAP4 from the ADH1 promoter extends life-span approximately 40% under growth conditions favoring fermentation (2% glucose). Other phenotypes: Overexpression of HAP4 combined with calorie restriction (CR) fails to further extend life-span. Like CR, life-span extension by HAP4 requires SIR2. HAP4 overexpressing cells demonstrate a transcriptional response resembling cells undergoing diauxic shift, consume more oxygen than wild type cells, and show increased Sir2p-dependent transcriptional silencing at telomeres and rDNA [[PubMed icon] 12124627]. [Lifespan Observations Database icon]Lifespan Observations Database (ID: 117) [PubMed icon] 12124627
170 OB_000170 ageing phenotype observation—data type 2 Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Gene Symbol Species NCBI Gene ID Allele Type Allele Name Reference Allele Type Allele Change
AFG3 Saccharomyces cerevisiae 856737 deletion / null - unknown unknown
From Table 2. Conserved longevity genes. 25 replicative life span extending single-gene deletions in the BY4742 strain background were identified that correspond to known aging-related genes in Caenorhabditis elegans. [Lifespan Observations Database icon]Lifespan Observations Database (ID: 1180) [PubMed icon] 18340043
171 OB_000171 ageing phenotype observation—data type 2 Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Gene Symbol Species NCBI Gene ID Allele Type Allele Name Reference Allele Type Allele Change
IDH2 Saccharomyces cerevisiae 854303 deletion / null - unknown unknown
From Table 2. Conserved longevity genes. 25 replicative life span extending single-gene deletions in the BY4742 strain background were identified that correspond to known aging-related genes in Caenorhabditis elegans. [Lifespan Observations Database icon]Lifespan Observations Database (ID: 1181) [PubMed icon] 18340043
172 OB_000172 ageing phenotype observation—data type 2 Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Gene Symbol Species NCBI Gene ID Allele Type Allele Name Reference Allele Type Allele Change
INP53 Saccharomyces cerevisiae 854276 deletion / null - unknown unknown
From Table 2. Conserved longevity genes. 25 replicative life span extending single-gene deletions in the BY4742 strain background were identified that correspond to known aging-related genes in Caenorhabditis elegans. [Lifespan Observations Database icon]Lifespan Observations Database (ID: 1182) [PubMed icon] 18340043
173 OB_000173 ageing phenotype observation—data type 2 Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Gene Symbol Species NCBI Gene ID Allele Type Allele Name Reference Allele Type Allele Change
RPL19A Saccharomyces cerevisiae 852379 deletion / null - unknown unknown
From Table 2. Conserved longevity genes. 25 replicative life span extending single-gene deletions in the BY4742 strain background were identified that correspond to known aging-related genes in Caenorhabditis elegans. [Lifespan Observations Database icon]Lifespan Observations Database (ID: 1183) [PubMed icon] 18340043
174 OB_000174 ageing phenotype observation—data type 2 Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Gene Symbol Species NCBI Gene ID Allele Type Allele Name Reference Allele Type Allele Change
RPL6B Saccharomyces cerevisiae 851169 deletion / null - unknown unknown
From Table 2. Conserved longevity genes. 25 replicative life span extending single-gene deletions in the BY4742 strain background were identified that correspond to known aging-related genes in Caenorhabditis elegans. [Lifespan Observations Database icon]Lifespan Observations Database (ID: 1184) [PubMed icon] 18340043
175 OB_000175 ageing phenotype observation—data type 2 Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Gene Symbol Species NCBI Gene ID Allele Type Allele Name Reference Allele Type Allele Change
SPT4 Saccharomyces cerevisiae 852955 deletion / null - unknown unknown
From Table 2. Conserved longevity genes. 25 replicative life span extending single-gene deletions in the BY4742 strain background were identified that correspond to known aging-related genes in Caenorhabditis elegans. [Lifespan Observations Database icon]Lifespan Observations Database (ID: 1185) [PubMed icon] 18340043
176 OB_000176 ageing phenotype observation—data type 2 Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Gene Symbol Species NCBI Gene ID Allele Type Allele Name Reference Allele Type Allele Change
TIF1 Saccharomyces cerevisiae 853933 deletion / null - unknown unknown
From Table 2. Conserved longevity genes. 25 replicative life span extending single-gene deletions in the BY4742 strain background were identified that correspond to known aging-related genes in Caenorhabditis elegans. [Lifespan Observations Database icon]Lifespan Observations Database (ID: 1186) [PubMed icon] 18340043
177 OB_000177 ageing phenotype observation—data type 2 Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Gene Symbol Species NCBI Gene ID Allele Type Allele Name Reference Allele Type Allele Change
TIF2 Saccharomyces cerevisiae 853303 deletion / null - unknown unknown
From Table 2. Conserved longevity genes. 25 replicative life span extending single-gene deletions in the BY4742 strain background were identified that correspond to known aging-related genes in Caenorhabditis elegans. [Lifespan Observations Database icon]Lifespan Observations Database (ID: 1187) [PubMed icon] 18340043
178 OB_000178 ageing phenotype observation—data type 2 Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Gene Symbol Species NCBI Gene ID Allele Type Allele Name Reference Allele Type Allele Change
TIF4631 Saccharomyces cerevisiae 853071 deletion / null - unknown unknown
From Table 2. Conserved longevity genes. 25 replicative life span extending single-gene deletions in the BY4742 strain background were identified that correspond to known aging-related genes in Caenorhabditis elegans. [Lifespan Observations Database icon]Lifespan Observations Database (ID: 1188) [PubMed icon] 18340043
179 OB_000179 ageing phenotype observation—data type 2 Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Gene Symbol Species NCBI Gene ID Allele Type Allele Name Reference Allele Type Allele Change
TOR1 Saccharomyces cerevisiae 853529 deletion / null - unknown unknown
From Table 2. Conserved longevity genes. 25 replicative life span extending single-gene deletions in the BY4742 strain background were identified that correspond to known aging-related genes in Caenorhabditis elegans. [Lifespan Observations Database icon]Lifespan Observations Database (ID: 1189) [PubMed icon] 18340043
180 OB_000180 ageing phenotype observation—data type 2 Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Gene Symbol Species NCBI Gene ID Allele Type Allele Name Reference Allele Type Allele Change
CYT1 Saccharomyces cerevisiae 854231 deletion / null - unknown unknown
Deletion of CYT1 has no effect on life-span, but prevents life-span extension by overexpression of HAP4. Other phenotypes: CYT1 is required for respiration in yeast. [Lifespan Observations Database icon]Lifespan Observations Database (ID: 118) [PubMed icon] 12124627
181 OB_000181 ageing phenotype observation—data type 2 Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Gene Symbol Species NCBI Gene ID Allele Type Allele Name Reference Allele Type Allele Change
ADH1 Saccharomyces cerevisiae 854068 deletion / null - unknown unknown
From Table 2. Conserved longevity genes. 25 replicative life span extending single-gene deletions in the BY4742 strain background were identified that correspond to known aging-related genes in Caenorhabditis elegans. [Lifespan Observations Database icon]Lifespan Observations Database (ID: 1190) [PubMed icon] 18340043
182 OB_000182 ageing phenotype observation—data type 2 Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Gene Symbol Species NCBI Gene ID Allele Type Allele Name Reference Allele Type Allele Change
ALG12 Saccharomyces cerevisiae 855764 deletion / null - unknown unknown
From Table 2. Conserved longevity genes. 25 replicative life span extending single-gene deletions in the BY4742 strain background were identified that correspond to known aging-related genes in Caenorhabditis elegans. [Lifespan Observations Database icon]Lifespan Observations Database (ID: 1191) [PubMed icon] 18340043
183 OB_000183 ageing phenotype observation—data type 2 Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Gene Symbol Species NCBI Gene ID Allele Type Allele Name Reference Allele Type Allele Change
DBP3 Saccharomyces cerevisiae 852802 deletion / null - unknown unknown
From Table 2. Conserved longevity genes. 25 replicative life span extending single-gene deletions in the BY4742 strain background were identified that correspond to known aging-related genes in Caenorhabditis elegans. [Lifespan Observations Database icon]Lifespan Observations Database (ID: 1192) [PubMed icon] 18340043
184 OB_000184 ageing phenotype observation—data type 2 Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Gene Symbol Species NCBI Gene ID Allele Type Allele Name Reference Allele Type Allele Change
HSE1 Saccharomyces cerevisiae 856387 deletion / null - unknown unknown
From Table 2. Conserved longevity genes. 25 replicative life span extending single-gene deletions in the BY4742 strain background were identified that correspond to known aging-related genes in Caenorhabditis elegans. [Lifespan Observations Database icon]Lifespan Observations Database (ID: 1193) [PubMed icon] 18340043
185 OB_000185 ageing phenotype observation—data type 2 Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Gene Symbol Species NCBI Gene ID Allele Type Allele Name Reference Allele Type Allele Change
IDH1 Saccharomyces cerevisiae 855691 deletion / null - unknown unknown
From Table 2. Conserved longevity genes. 25 replicative life span extending single-gene deletions in the BY4742 strain background were identified that correspond to known aging-related genes in Caenorhabditis elegans. [Lifespan Observations Database icon]Lifespan Observations Database (ID: 1194) [PubMed icon] 18340043
186 OB_000186 ageing phenotype observation—data type 2 Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Gene Symbol Species NCBI Gene ID Allele Type Allele Name Reference Allele Type Allele Change
INP51 Saccharomyces cerevisiae 854815 deletion / null - unknown unknown
From Table 2. Conserved longevity genes. 25 replicative life span extending single-gene deletions in the BY4742 strain background were identified that correspond to known aging-related genes in Caenorhabditis elegans. [Lifespan Observations Database icon]Lifespan Observations Database (ID: 1195) [PubMed icon] 18340043
187 OB_000187 ageing phenotype observation—data type 2 Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Gene Symbol Species NCBI Gene ID Allele Type Allele Name Reference Allele Type Allele Change
PKH2 Saccharomyces cerevisiae 854053 deletion / null - unknown unknown
From Table 2. Conserved longevity genes. 25 replicative life span extending single-gene deletions in the BY4742 strain background were identified that correspond to known aging-related genes in Caenorhabditis elegans. [Lifespan Observations Database icon]Lifespan Observations Database (ID: 1196) [PubMed icon] 18340043
188 OB_000188 ageing phenotype observation—data type 2 Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Gene Symbol Species NCBI Gene ID Allele Type Allele Name Reference Allele Type Allele Change
PMR1 Saccharomyces cerevisiae 852709 deletion / null - unknown unknown
From Table 2. Conserved longevity genes. 25 replicative life span extending single-gene deletions in the BY4742 strain background were identified that correspond to known aging-related genes in Caenorhabditis elegans. [Lifespan Observations Database icon]Lifespan Observations Database (ID: 1197) [PubMed icon] 18340043
189 OB_000189 ageing phenotype observation—data type 2 Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Gene Symbol Species NCBI Gene ID Allele Type Allele Name Reference Allele Type Allele Change
SAM1 Saccharomyces cerevisiae 850877 deletion / null - unknown unknown
From Table 2. Conserved longevity genes. 25 replicative life span extending single-gene deletions in the BY4742 strain background were identified that correspond to known aging-related genes in Caenorhabditis elegans. [Lifespan Observations Database icon]Lifespan Observations Database (ID: 1198) [PubMed icon] 18340043
190 OB_000190 ageing phenotype observation—data type 2 Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Gene Symbol Species NCBI Gene ID Allele Type Allele Name Reference Allele Type Allele Change
SCH9 Saccharomyces cerevisiae 856612 deletion / null - unknown unknown
From Table 2. Conserved longevity genes. 25 replicative life span extending single-gene deletions in the BY4742 strain background were identified that correspond to known aging-related genes in Caenorhabditis elegans. [Lifespan Observations Database icon]Lifespan Observations Database (ID: 1199) [PubMed icon] 18340043
191 OB_000191 ageing phenotype observation—data type 2 Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Gene Symbol Species NCBI Gene ID Allele Type Allele Name Reference Allele Type Allele Change
SOD1 Saccharomyces cerevisiae 853568 deletion / null - unknown unknown
Deletion of Cu-Zn superoxide dismutase decreases replicative life-span by approximately 40%. Other phenotypes: The magnitude of the decrease in life-span does not appear to be dependent on oxygen concentration in the atmosphere [[PubMed icon] 12020810]. Deletion of SOD1 shortens chronological life-span as well as replicative life span [[PubMed icon] 10222047]. Overexpression of SOD1 has no effect on replicative life-span [[PubMed icon] 10224252]. [Lifespan Observations Database icon]Lifespan Observations Database (ID: 119) [PubMed icon] 12020810
192 OB_000192 ageing phenotype observation—data type 2 Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Gene Symbol Species NCBI Gene ID Allele Type Allele Name Reference Allele Type Allele Change
PHB2 Saccharomyces cerevisiae 853146 deletion / null - unknown unknown
Deletion of both PHB1 and PHB2 results in a life span that is approximately 40% shorter than wild type. Other phenotypes: Deletion of PHB1 results in approximately 20% shorter lifespan. Phenotypic changes characteristic of aging cells may suggest that PHB1/PHB2 mutants undergo premature aging, not simply reduction in viability. These changes include lengthening of cell cycle and characteristic morphological changes [[PubMed icon] 9259555]. No reduction in stress resistance or bulk growth rate. A strong defect in mitochondrial potential was detected in the phb1 phb2 double mutant., and a slight defect in the phb1 single mutant [[PubMed icon] 9259555]. [Lifespan Observations Database icon]Lifespan Observations Database (ID: 11) [PubMed icon] 9259555
193 OB_000193 ageing phenotype observation—data type 2 Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Gene Symbol Species NCBI Gene ID Allele Type Allele Name Reference Allele Type Allele Change
SIS2 Saccharomyces cerevisiae 853946 deletion / null - unknown unknown
From Table 2. Conserved longevity genes. 25 replicative life span extending single-gene deletions in the BY4742 strain background were identified that correspond to known aging-related genes in Caenorhabditis elegans. [Lifespan Observations Database icon]Lifespan Observations Database (ID: 1200) [PubMed icon] 18340043
194 OB_000194 ageing phenotype observation—data type 2 Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Gene Symbol Species NCBI Gene ID Allele Type Allele Name Reference Allele Type Allele Change
TIS11 Saccharomyces cerevisiae 850827 deletion / null - unknown unknown
From Table 2. Conserved longevity genes. 25 replicative life span extending single-gene deletions in the BY4742 strain background were identified that correspond to known aging-related genes in Caenorhabditis elegans. [Lifespan Observations Database icon]Lifespan Observations Database (ID: 1201) [PubMed icon] 18340043
195 OB_000195 ageing phenotype observation—data type 2 Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Gene Symbol Species NCBI Gene ID Allele Type Allele Name Reference Allele Type Allele Change
YGR130C Saccharomyces cerevisiae 853031 deletion / null - unknown unknown
From Table 2. Conserved longevity genes. 25 replicative life span extending single-gene deletions in the BY4742 strain background were identified that correspond to known aging-related genes in Caenorhabditis elegans. [Lifespan Observations Database icon]Lifespan Observations Database (ID: 1202) [PubMed icon] 18340043
196 OB_000196 ageing phenotype observation—data type 2 Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Gene Symbol Species NCBI Gene ID Allele Type Allele Name Reference Allele Type Allele Change
YPT6 Saccharomyces cerevisiae 850966 deletion / null - unknown unknown
From Table 2. Conserved longevity genes. 25 replicative life span extending single-gene deletions in the BY4742 strain background were identified that correspond to known aging-related genes in Caenorhabditis elegans. [Lifespan Observations Database icon]Lifespan Observations Database (ID: 1203) [PubMed icon] 18340043
197 OB_000197 ageing phenotype observation—data type 2 Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Gene Symbol Species NCBI Gene ID Allele Type Allele Name Reference Allele Type Allele Change
YPT6 Saccharomyces cerevisiae 850966 deletion / null - unknown unknown
From Table 2. Conserved longevity genes. 25 replicative life span extending single-gene deletions in the BY4742 strain background were identified that correspond to known aging-related genes in Caenorhabditis elegans. [Lifespan Observations Database icon]Lifespan Observations Database (ID: 1204) [PubMed icon] 18340043
198 OB_000198 ageing phenotype observation—data type 2 Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Gene Symbol Species NCBI Gene ID Allele Type Allele Name Reference Allele Type Allele Change
YGR130C Saccharomyces cerevisiae 853031 deletion / null - unknown unknown
From Table 2. Conserved longevity genes. 25 replicative life span extending single-gene deletions in the BY4742 strain background were identified that correspond to known aging-related genes in Caenorhabditis elegans. [Lifespan Observations Database icon]Lifespan Observations Database (ID: 1205) [PubMed icon] 18340043
199 OB_000199 ageing phenotype observation—data type 2 Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Gene Symbol Species NCBI Gene ID Allele Type Allele Name Reference Allele Type Allele Change
TIS11 Saccharomyces cerevisiae 850827 deletion / null - unknown unknown
From Table 2. Conserved longevity genes. 25 replicative life span extending single-gene deletions in the BY4742 strain background were identified that correspond to known aging-related genes in Caenorhabditis elegans. [Lifespan Observations Database icon]Lifespan Observations Database (ID: 1206) [PubMed icon] 18340043
200 OB_000200 ageing phenotype observation—data type 2 Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Gene Symbol Species NCBI Gene ID Allele Type Allele Name Reference Allele Type Allele Change
SIS2 Saccharomyces cerevisiae 853946 deletion / null - unknown unknown
From Table 2. Conserved longevity genes. 25 replicative life span extending single-gene deletions in the BY4742 strain background were identified that correspond to known aging-related genes in Caenorhabditis elegans. [Lifespan Observations Database icon]Lifespan Observations Database (ID: 1207) [PubMed icon] 18340043